neděle 17. srpna 2014

Setting up

When you come to U.S. you need set up a few things.

  • The first thing which I set up was my phone. You need phone number and U.S. card. So Debbie and Mark helped me a lot and now I have card from AT&T and I pay 15 USD every month for unlimited messages (also to Europe), unlimited calls and internet . Absolutely great price! It’s because I have joined my family’s plan at AT&T. 
  • Another thing was physical record. When you want to play a sport in school you need a physical. We visited one small clinic (many Hispanic people there :D) and I paid 20 USD to get the right signature from the doctor. This is essential for me to play sports at school. 
  • The third thing that I need was vaccination. I had all of them except meningitides vaccination. I must thanks Alfa and CCI because I was really well prepared for this issue. So than I paid 20 USD for that. 
  • I set up my bank account in Czech. I have Unicredit bank and I have free withdrawals from ATM and my Visa card works there too. 
  • In school I must choose 7 classes (subjects). So I chose English III K (K-means the hardest level), Pre-calculus (Math) K, U.S. history K, Physics L (L-means lower level), Soccer, Teen-leadership/Economics K (1. Semester/2. Semester), Human Geography AP (AP-means the hardest level, when you take AP level you have credit also for university)

I’ll see if this will be my schedule. Perhaps I’ll change level between US History and Physics.

So I need set up these things only. But I don’t know if I will need exercise book for school. Or something like that. For now it’s all.
Yeah, the school is a little bit bigger than GYREC

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