neděle 17. srpna 2014


My journey started in Brno at 5am. Then I went to Prague airport for my flight to London, Heathrow. On the way to Prague there was complication in the form of car accident which gave to us (me and dad) a few new wrinkles. But fortunately we had time reserve for this kind of complication so we arrived on time. At the airport I said bye to dad and I have started my year’s challenge. When I was alone and waited for my flight alone in departure gate I said for myself: “What the hell I was doing?”, but later when you were in the aircraft everything started be good and I was exciting about my exchange year. 

I had 1:5O for the change of my flights so when we landed and our aircraft hadn’t parkplace I starting to be a little bit nervous. When we parked I went to terminal 3 by bus. Then I must found my connection to terminal 5 where I had the next flight to Houston. But I must say that the London Heathrow is great airport to transfer flights. Really great signs there to give direction! I only followed purple signs labeled “connection flights”, used another bus to terminal 5 and I was there. Whew! But just there the race began. I waited in one queue to print my new boarding pass to Houston, but fortunately there were two lines. The first (bigger) for people who already had boarding passes from another airport and the second (really small) for me and people like me who didn’t have boarding pass yet. I spent time in the line talking with a strange man from India who was going to Arizona to college. I had 25 minutes before the gate closed when I got the boarding pass. Then I quickly walked to security. There was a long line! In this place I started be a pretty nervous. When I finished this control I had only 10 minutes for finding the right gate. I ran, used underground (underground in the airport – in one terminal! That was fascinating for me) and at the end I caught my flight! Whew!

The flight to U.S. in the big aircraft Boeing 777-300 was really comfortable compared to the European flight in “small” Airbus A320. At the beginning of the flight I thought about experiences from London’s airport. I had ridden the bus for 20 minutes to get between two Terminals. We had stopped at traffic-lights. Traffic lights on AIRPORT (what the hell)!!! Then I thought about underground, etc. Simply I thought about city within the city which Heathrow absolutely is. Then I fell asleep (because I thought too much), watched some films and happily landed in Houston. 

In Houston I waited 1 hour in line to visa control. Collected my luggage and finally after 21 hours I met my family!!! 

At the Prague airport

Landing in London

The first steps on US soil

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