úterý 2. prosince 2014

The Addams family show

I’m really excited to share with you this amazing experience. I’m going to write about a school theater show – The Addams Family Musical. Where Mark (my host-brother), played Uncle Fester (one of the big roles). But I’ll start from scratch.

My first High school show was the musical GREASE in other school (Cy-Falls). So I kind of had an opinion about high school theater (and it wasn’t the nicest one). The Cy-Falls production was very slow and the story was fragmented.  It seemed to be a series of songs (which should have been upbeat and fun) but were boring and the people on stage did not seem to have any fun.

On the other hand, I know how much time Mark spent practicing for the Cy-Ranch show. When I’m writing “a lot” I mean  A LOT of time. So I was hoping that this show would be much better.   I was pretty excited about seeing Mark and THE ADDAMS FAMILY.

Finally D-Day came on Saturday night. To add to the excitement, the audience included Tommy Tune Awards judges (competition for high school theatres – something like the Emmy Awards). So I found my seat in our auditorium and waited. (By the way the fact that every school has own auditorium is crazy).  The house was sold out. The show started and I was amazed from the moment the curtain opened until it ended. The performances of characters in the main roles and extras were more than awesome. It was more like professional acting than a high school production. Also the set, costumes, sound, and lights were really incredible. (You may notice that I used a lot of superlatives in last paragraph but to be honest it is still not enough!)  I hope they win every single award.

I was so proud of Mark that I almost cried. :D You know I heard him a lot singing in the shower and basically everywhere. I was happy for them.  They did so great job. Several friends from the cast told me it was their best performance.  I hope the judges were as impressed as I was with the entire performance.

(I uploaded also some photos with our stars. I have two shirts on photos because I saw that twice. :D And I do not have a focused photo with mark only :( )

It’s a pity if you didn’t see it. If you are interested in seeing production pictures, here is a link for official photos. http://ranchtheatre.smugmug.com/Productions/Addams-Family-the-Musical/ )

The Star!!

See he is nice to his fans!! 

"almost" focused

Uncle Fester and Morticia!

Rebecca as a Wednesday was awesome! I love her voice!

'Cause we're Addams!

Muhehe! I have the photo with them and now I have to wait till they will be on Brodway! 

Haunted Houses + Halloween

I’m going to start with haunted houses because it was the beginning of Halloween time for me. I was there the week before Halloween. My friend Martin (who was also in the US) told me that I have to experience a haunted house. Thus when Marianne (Brazilian exchange student) asked who wanted to go to the PHOBIA haunted houses, I was immediately in! Six of us went, but two friends got scared and left before we got in. Phobia has three haunted houses with scary names and we visited all of them. It wasn’t the cheapest way to spend an hour but I didn’t care.  I had an awesome time and the people did really great job. The haunted houses look like ones from a horror movie. As you walk through, people try to scare you. The great thing is that they have great make-up and costumes. You walk throughout rooms like an old creepy motel and a psychiatric hospital and everything together looks so real! You have the creepy feeling that you are in a horror movie but you know you are safe. I really enjoyed this event and I’m highly recommending this to future exchange students!

This was my amazing start to Halloween in the US. We don’t celebrate Halloween in Czech thus everything was new and exciting for me. My overall feeling is that it is pretty big holiday. The week before Halloween prepares you for this event. It is fun. Everyone has a costume. I went to two parties. At one party I was a Johnny Depp type pirate (but unfortunately it looked little bit like a gay pirate :D) and the other I was a character from GREASE.   I had a wonderful time with many of my friends (I have to mention Juliana because she is the biggest fan of my blog. This is for you!).  Kids, teenagers, and adults collect candy when they go from house to house trick-or-treating.  I ate sampled a lot of new kinds of candy!

Beginning of Haloween (2 weeks ago :D)

PHOBIA hounted houses!! 

The 4 brave

I was enjoying that I was scared

CCI halloween party

So awesome :D

Other Halloween party. try to be someone from the Grease
But I didn't catch the group photo. :( :D

After you try this you try the American culture! #S'more 

Renaissance Festival

I know I’m writing after a long time. I was so busy with school but now I have Thanksgiving break so I can look back and summarize what I did in the last month and half. The first article will not be long because the Renaissance festival was long time ago so I’m going to tell you about major things. I heard about this event before in The Big Bang Theory thus I was excited. We were there on Mark’s birthday weekend, I think it was Sunday. The area of the festival is an hour way from our house “in the middle of nowhere”. At the beginning it surprised me how many cars (people) came. We walked to the festival area which is only for this Renaissance Festival so basically it is used only 2-3 month in the year and each year the place becomes bigger and bigger. There were a lot of people wearing thematic clothes and that was awesome. This area is big and there were shops with renaissance stuff and places for performances from that time period. Unfortunately, it rained…. a lot. The entire crowd was under the roofs in shops and almost no one was outside. That was a pity. But before and after the rain I saw what this event means at it is really nice!

Me and Mark

What a beautiful game! :D Literally head basketball :D

We had some arguement so we punched couple times each other and we were good again :D

He makes the world!

Yeah, rainy weather was annoying

úterý 28. října 2014

The devil's light - romanticism short story creation

Another article out off topic of exchange but I wrote this to English because I had to and I pretty like it! Enjoy! (inspired by romanticism authors such as E.A.Poe, Washington Erving,...)


I was 25 and my life seemed to be successful so far. I finished school in the beautiful city of Brno where I lived. I had my own flat in quiet and safe part of the town and even more I possessed a car. I could not say anything against my circumstances. Also in this age to be a gregarious is nothing special so neither I wasn’t an exception. I loved my very normal life.

One very normal Friday when I was living my ordinary routine I decided to do something different today. At my new boring work I searched for a diversification of my evening. When I found what I had looked for I called to my best friend Mark about this event which appeared at first sight like a lot of fun. When he agreed with this idea I was contented only because I hadn’t known my future destiny.

The party was at countryside near to Brno but not so far from my apartment. It was too far for range of public transport so me Mark took my car and drove through narrow roads in eerie forest which is especially in the night dark, labyrinthine and dangerous. In this daytime your purpose is not to stay in this forest for an extra-long time so when we passed this place and arrived to the club we were happy that the party could began.

After while at the club I saw my crush. I had known her since childhood but she never had ever reciprocated the feelings that I had for her. Then the amazing moment came. As I talked with Mark the beautiful lady walked straight to me. When she stopped at our table I started to pay attention to her instead of my best friend. We had a little argument and in consequence he left. I was a little bit frustrated but the thought was fleeting as I had the opportunity to talk with my crush. She suggested that we should move from table to the bar for a better night. I was hesitant for I driven there, thus I couldn’t drink much but when I heard her tempting voice which sounded like a sirens I wasn’t able to say no. After midnight in the moon light I saw her sparking eyes which told me let’s go somewhere private. I was so captivated, so we used my car to drive her place. As I was driving her beautiful voice told me stories, capturing all thoughts and ideas, and then I saw it - I saw the devil in front of my car. He shined the light of the fiery pits of hell into my eyes blinding me.   In an effort to not crash into these two devils lights I turned the wheel hoping not to hit what was in front of me. As I Swerved into the forest the terrible light followed but before I could get away BOOM we smashed into a tree. I survived. I survived but my childhood sweetheart, entangled into the broken glass and twisted metal of the car, next to me was lifeless. The tears were streaming down my face they blurred my eyes but my hearing was good the noisy sirens of the police cars coming near.  My survival instincts kicked in and I sprinted in any direction I could, I climbed through the brush and trees of the forest searching for the familiar light of my flat.

As I slammed into the door, my normal flat and its familiar walls reminded me of the life that I knew that I would never know again. I frantically called my best friend but he didn’t pick up the phone. My hopelessness couldn’t be described. I called him again and again but he didn’t reply. My mind had created a discussion between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Jekyll showed way out but unfortunately this way showed jail and lost life because there was no way that they would not go looking for me because the alcohol on my breath was a dead giveaway. Mr. Hyde showed the light. Showed the same devil light how I saw before again and again it was the persuasive light of sin and evil.

Very next morning my best friend seeing my very normal flat with its very normal walls and very normal cat and very normal me hanging from the very normal ceiling fan.

úterý 21. října 2014


This is a little bit off topic but I wrote an essay and I won 2nd place in competition within the USA and EU conference (which was in Czech 1 day ago). So I want to share this essay with you, because I'm proud of this success. 

What Can We Learn From Other Educational Systems? Are We a Good Example?

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela

Every single day we are taught by life and the mistakes we make. The main institution which is part of our lives for 13-19 years and which gives us the knowledge important for future success is a school. If we want to create more opportunities, we must work harder and study smarter than anyone else. This thought helped me make a decision to get out from my comfort zone and experience education in America. This opportunity gives me a chance to compare school systems. The Czech system is sophisticated and our schools are exemplary! American schools offer a wide range of educational opportunities where all students are required to participate. Comparing the two systems allows me to evaluate the positive aspects of two very different approaches to education.

The Czech education system is such a good example for other countries. The key to success is a strong foundation of fundamental knowledge. Generally, I find Czech school harder than US school. We are required to learn a lot of subjects and certainly we don’t like all of them. Someone interested in social studies must also study science which isn’t as interesting. But this situation has a bright side which is often overlooked by students. We learn how to learn. The Czech curriculum exposes students to a wide range of subjects. We understand how to intelligently talk to people with totally different hobbies, jobs, interests, and backgrounds.

The second reason why the Czech education system is respected is that the classroom environment creates good psychological effects on students. We enjoy our class time together. We create strong friendships and contacts with classmates and these relationships will remain for the rest of our lives. The smaller student to teacher ratio allows us to get special attention and to feel more like a family. When we pass graduation exams we are filled with unforgettable memories of our alma mater, the bonds we form with teachers, and our friends from class.

US schools offer a different approach to education. US students have more opportunities to choose classes to shape their career path. For students in grammar schools in Czech there are not enough opportunities to focus on subjects they like. We should be proud of the emphasis on general knowledge in Czech, but could benefit from the US school system which allows more specialization of class choices. For example, in 12th grade I get to choose 2 seminars in areas I want to pursue in college but I am required to take 12 other general classes which fragment my focus. Revising the basic requirements to give more time for upper level seminar work would help students.

The Czech system could also improve by encouraging better cooperation between specialized schools. In the US there are all kinds of specializations in one building. For example, student athletes get medical support and treatment from student sports trainers. This system is an advantage for all participants. Czech schools could integrate skills and talents to create a symbiotic relationship.

The last improvement could be in providing better school facilities and supplies. Czech schools look really poor against schools in the Western part of the world. Schools deserve more money from the government. It is inessential rebuild facilities like gyms, pools, and sports fields. If the government invested more money to make education more interactive, students would be more engaged with current technology. Smartboards, updated equipment for science labs, and tech savvy teachers would make school more engaging and Czech students would also be more internationally competitive. The bill for improving
schools would be expensive but investment in education is never a waste of money.

I have been a grammar school student in Brno and I am currently enrolled in a US high school. My opinions are influenced by this situation. I believe the fundamental ideas of the Czech school system are better than in the US, but there are also things which could be and should be added to make it even better. Asking for input and ideas for improvement is a great way to start effective discussion. Until we are willing to make improvement we will not be able to say that our education is the best on the world. „The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.“ – Carl Rogers

neděle 21. září 2014


How to describe this event in one word? Awesome! But let’s move a little bit backward. What is Homecoming? It is a huge social event in American schools (you have homecoming in a high school and also in a college – and I will of course talk about high school homecoming). The main idea is to “come home” after graduation. So this event is for ex-students who already graduated and want see their old school, meet their former teachers, and very often this is time for some kind of class reunion. The second highlight of homecoming is building school spirit. We had this event after 3 weeks of school so everything was still strange before for me.  During this week and after homecoming I have started to feel better about school. I finally know people in my school and know my way around the building. I think that homecoming enhanced school spirit for many new students and made us feel welcome.

Homecoming is celebrated for a week and I already wrote about the activities in my previous article (special dress themes, parade, pep rally) so I’ll move to the Friday (American) football game. This was my absolutely first football game ever so I was pretty excited. When we arrived to the Berry Center, I saw an outstanding facility. This stadium for high school games is simply something amazing. It has two floors and more than 12 000 seats! The design of the stadium is influenced by ancient (I think) architecture with arena seating. We played against Cy-Lakes HS. The crowd came out to enjoy the game and there were between 6-7k people on our side and approximately 500 Cy-Lakes fans. We wanted to win more than Cy-Lakes because it was our homecoming game! You simply can’t lose on your homecoming game!!! The first half ended 17:0 for Mustangs (Cy-Ranch). Each school had performances during half time.  Cy-Lakes band and drill team were interesting to watch as they performed on the field. The Cy-Ranch performance was not exciting because their performance included an introduction of all the candidates for homecoming king and queen. In the second half, I walked around the stadium to meet and greet my friends. The Mustangs expanded their lead and won 32:2. After the game I finally learned the basic rules of American Football. I had a good time with Mark (my host-brother) and the other exchange students and their host-siblings.

Next day (Saturday) was the main day of homecoming. Before the homecoming dance you usually go to the dinner with your date or with a group of friends. Mark and I started the evening at 4pm. We put on suits and Glen drove us to dinner. I met with the group of exchange students and their siblings and Mark went to dinner with his friends. I had dinner at Cypress Grill Station and had a good time with great people. We also took a lot of pictures. (Melanie, our local coordinator, is crazy about taking photos). At 8pm we moved from the restaurant to the school for the Homecoming dance (the main part). Some students left us after dinner but almost everyone from my group was there. After a while our group joined Lauren (another exchange student’s host-sister) with her 3 friends. I also met some friends from school. We danced, took a lot of pictures (especially selfies), and had fun at school till 11pm.  I learned what a special social event homecoming is for all of the students.  After 11pm we moved to Denny’s and continued our celebration. We had breakfast there. For me calling my midnight meal “breakfast” was a little bit weird.. :D  Between 1-2am our group dissolved. I got home after 2am totally tired but excited that I had such a great time! Homecoming was the best event with friends so far :)

Berry center



Cy-Lakes band

Cy-Ranch band and classic

Almost final score

Our group

Me and my brother!!!

My and Ben (from Germany)
All group of exchange students
Boys (left): Tim (Netherland) Alex (Italy), Ben (Germany), Me (CZECH REPUBLIC), Jefrey (Taiwan), Gabriel (Brasil)
Girls (left): Henriette (Norway), Betina (Denmark), Paloma (Brasil), Susanne (Germany)

Only guys

The photo of Homecoming :D 

Complete Homecoming group! I love these guys!

Journey to home :D

neděle 14. září 2014

After the three weeks of school

The first week of schoolMy first day started at 5:45am. (I am not a morning person and every day I have to wake up at 5:45 am grrrr). I got up, took a shower, prepared my backpack, and had breakfast. Then I went to the bus stop. The school bus leaves at 6:38 and there is only this bus which can take you to school. If you oversleep it is bigger problem than in Czech because you don’t have any other connection to school except a car. I was so excited about my first ride by the typical yellow American school bus! But to be honest it is nothing special. The space between seats is really narrow and the bus is full of students and what else the bus is going to school! Traffic the first day was appalling. It was the first day so many parents took their kids to school. My bus finally arrived at Cypress Ranch High School at 7:05. I had the feeling that I was in other universe. My school in Czech has 500 students but there are 3200 students at Cy-Ranch. Counting staff and students, my new school is 8 times bigger and that’s crazy. To be honest I was really scared! There were 3 reasons: 1) the school is 8 times bigger. 2) I had absolutely no idea how to navigate my new U.S. school system. There were freshmen too and like me they had questions about how things at school worked. But they had an advantage because they already passed elementary and middle school in the American system. For me, this process was a mystery. 3) I was also scared because everything was in English! :D I walked in the school and my first mission was to find my schedule somewhere near the auditorium. This mission ended with achievement. My first class was Physics L (L level means the lower level of class). I had no idea where to find my class, but fortunately the first day there were a lot of staff there to help students with directions. I found my class and took a seat. Mrs. Fenhaus introduced herself and then she talked about rules and the policies in her class like tardies, grades,… (about rules and grades I’m writing in the next part of this article). After this class I had Teen Leadership (I have TLS only for the first semester because the second semester I’m going to have a Economics K). This class is was at the other end of the school from my Physics class. So I got directions and I walked and walked and walked. Breaks here are 6 minutes long and I need 4 minutes of fast paced walking to get to a portable building. The portables are outside of the building because our huge school is too small. At the beginning of second period is we say the pledge to the US and Texas flags and then we hear announcements from the school office (like who played any game, if there is any important event in school, etc.). But Mrs. Buchner reviewed the same rules as Mrs. Fenhaus. When the bell rang I needed to move to US History K (K level means the hardest level) and again I needed to walk to this class at the opposite part of the building. Mrs. Dersch had the same speech about rules and class requirements. After US lesson I went to my Pre-calculus K class. Mrs. Hogan again talked about the same stuff. From Math I went to the English III K with Mr. Rhodes. I think he is the best teacher I have. He is a friendly, energetic person. I feel really comfortable in his class. After this lesson I had finally lunch. I brought lunch from home and I met with another exchange student Paloma and it was good because I wasn’t alone. :D For lunch I had 30 minutes and then I went to Human Geography AP (AP level means harder level than K because it is college level and after successfully completing an AP exam you have some credits to a college) Mrs. Smart talked again about rules and things like that. Finally after 6th period I went to my 7th period which was soccer. The first day Coach Garcia talked about what he expected from us. My school day ended and I had 10 minutes to catch my school bus back to the home. I couldn’t believe how many school buses there were (probably 40-60). I found my bus and rode home with the crowd.
 Day 2: The second day, I was still confused but things were better. I think that there wasn’t anything special which about I must talk now. Perhaps that I changed Physics L to Physics K because L level is really low. And in soccer we must impress our coach to stay in the varsity soccer class.

The second week of school –The second week started with great news. I made the cut to stay in the varsity soccer class. I went to the counselor’s office to get my new schedule the change for my new physics class from L level to the K level class. I found my new physics class with Mrs. Staples (She is a great teacher) without any difficulty. The second week in all of the second period classes, we practiced school rules and drills. Every day we had one drill and some explanation of school rules. The first drill was a fire drill. It’s impressive that this school with 3500 people is able evacuate faster than my school in Czech with 550 people. The noise of fire alarm is really loud! Drill next day was really creepy for me. It was preparing for a shooter or dangerous intruder in the school. In this case the doors are locked automatically, you have to turn off all lights, cover windows, be quiet, move the farthest from windows and doors and hope and wait for signal “all clear”. But that was really scary because if it is necessary you must fight. It was only a drill but everyone was very quiet. I think that everyone thought about what they would do if this situation really happened. Another drill was about chemicals and stuff like that. I really didn’t understand the purpose of this drill… :D The last one was preparing for a hurricane. So exotic for me! It’s called “duck and cover” and you have to go to the building near to stable walls and areas without windows (so commons and gym) and cover yourself. Some school rules seem crazy for me. For example, the school office pays a lot of attention to dress code but these rules affect more girls than boys. When you are going to school by car and you have three tardies in 6 weeks in the 1st period you must ride the school bus (bad luck). Other cool information - all parking spaces in the parking lot are sold! Students that drive to school must have an assigned parking spot. This is the craziest rule for me. If we a teacher takes away your phone your parents must go to school and pay $15 dollars to get your cell-phone back. I we had this rule in our Czech school that school would be really rich and parents really poor as we always have access to our phones.
 In soccer we started, in Coach Garcia words “two weeks of fun”. It was NOT fun!!!! Especially for me! I usually have no problem with running and fitness but running in 45°C is nothing for me. Running in the Texas heat and humidity (98 degrees) cause me to overheat. After a few practices it got better. I also got my first grade in school in math - 100% yeaaaaah.

The third week of the school - It has been the best week at the school. This week finished with Homecoming (about this event in the next article – but simply, this is a huge social event and what’s more it is a great event!). The whole week was both fun and funny. Every day there were different dress themes. The first day was America Day so people wore everything with US symbols. Then was Twins Day, where friends dressed up to look like each other. Then was Western Day. It was so cool. (Before I return home, I need to buy cowboy boots, a big belt, and a cowboy hat!) On Thursday was princes/superhero day. It was hilarious when I met so many people in the commons dressed as Superman, Batman, or a princess. The last day was School Spirit Day. Because this was day before homecoming many people wore a weird big plastic “flowers” called mums. It looked ok on girls but on boys it looked little bit weird (gay) (sorry guys I’m from Europe). :D On Wednesday we had a huge school parade. Every group (sports, band,…) had a car with a decorated trailer and we rode around school and then we were introduction on the football field. There were a lot of parents and it was cool! On Friday, we had a pep rally. (Smaller parade only in our school). Because we have “small” gym there were two sessions during 7th period. The pep rally was to create school spirit before the homecoming football game on the Friday and homecoming on the Saturday (more about this in the next article). We ended two weeks of fun and I decided that I would change US history to European History in the second semester if that will be possible.

Words at the end – I’m writing this blog not only to document my experiences, but also for people who want become an exchange student. Be prepared! This is NOT a vacation or holiday for you. The school work is hard. Not because there are harder classes (I actually think that this is easier than in Czech) but simply because you must learn everything in English. You will spend more time on homework and on reading than native speakers. There is a different school system. I’m only able to compare this with Czech education system. I think that Czech high school (especially Gymnasium) is
 more like a college. At home I need only pen, paper, laptop and that’s all. In class you must be quiet and pass the year with good grades. When you are really interested in something you must do more things than other students. You must take great notes in school. At home you study for end of course exams. In the U.S. you have more work at home. Sometimes I think that I’m wasting time in school because all work I’m doing at home. I have more reading and I have to make notes at home. I really don’t get that. And what is the most bizarre for me is that I’m using color pencils again!! :D after 4-5 years maybe I feel like at the elementary school again. (sometimes)… :D On the other hand school with native Americans is great for improving your English. I never expected before that I would be able to write in English the way I’m writing in school now. Also, I never expected that I would give a speech in front of my class of Americans students and they would understand me! After this you have nice feeling that you are improving in English. There are daily, assessment, and major grades. They have another values and then system counted average and that is your final grade. So 100-90% is A, 90-80=B, 80-75=C, 75-70=D, -70=F. The last (I think nice) think what I want say is that teachers usually wait for everyone in front of or in class and they ask how are you or something like that. :)

The yellow school bus

Behind the school

Main hallway

Cy-Ranch High School

"Duck and Cover"

The cafeteria

There is twice more people than in my school in CZ

The parade

Soccer team