úterý 28. října 2014

The devil's light - romanticism short story creation

Another article out off topic of exchange but I wrote this to English because I had to and I pretty like it! Enjoy! (inspired by romanticism authors such as E.A.Poe, Washington Erving,...)


I was 25 and my life seemed to be successful so far. I finished school in the beautiful city of Brno where I lived. I had my own flat in quiet and safe part of the town and even more I possessed a car. I could not say anything against my circumstances. Also in this age to be a gregarious is nothing special so neither I wasn’t an exception. I loved my very normal life.

One very normal Friday when I was living my ordinary routine I decided to do something different today. At my new boring work I searched for a diversification of my evening. When I found what I had looked for I called to my best friend Mark about this event which appeared at first sight like a lot of fun. When he agreed with this idea I was contented only because I hadn’t known my future destiny.

The party was at countryside near to Brno but not so far from my apartment. It was too far for range of public transport so me Mark took my car and drove through narrow roads in eerie forest which is especially in the night dark, labyrinthine and dangerous. In this daytime your purpose is not to stay in this forest for an extra-long time so when we passed this place and arrived to the club we were happy that the party could began.

After while at the club I saw my crush. I had known her since childhood but she never had ever reciprocated the feelings that I had for her. Then the amazing moment came. As I talked with Mark the beautiful lady walked straight to me. When she stopped at our table I started to pay attention to her instead of my best friend. We had a little argument and in consequence he left. I was a little bit frustrated but the thought was fleeting as I had the opportunity to talk with my crush. She suggested that we should move from table to the bar for a better night. I was hesitant for I driven there, thus I couldn’t drink much but when I heard her tempting voice which sounded like a sirens I wasn’t able to say no. After midnight in the moon light I saw her sparking eyes which told me let’s go somewhere private. I was so captivated, so we used my car to drive her place. As I was driving her beautiful voice told me stories, capturing all thoughts and ideas, and then I saw it - I saw the devil in front of my car. He shined the light of the fiery pits of hell into my eyes blinding me.   In an effort to not crash into these two devils lights I turned the wheel hoping not to hit what was in front of me. As I Swerved into the forest the terrible light followed but before I could get away BOOM we smashed into a tree. I survived. I survived but my childhood sweetheart, entangled into the broken glass and twisted metal of the car, next to me was lifeless. The tears were streaming down my face they blurred my eyes but my hearing was good the noisy sirens of the police cars coming near.  My survival instincts kicked in and I sprinted in any direction I could, I climbed through the brush and trees of the forest searching for the familiar light of my flat.

As I slammed into the door, my normal flat and its familiar walls reminded me of the life that I knew that I would never know again. I frantically called my best friend but he didn’t pick up the phone. My hopelessness couldn’t be described. I called him again and again but he didn’t reply. My mind had created a discussion between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Jekyll showed way out but unfortunately this way showed jail and lost life because there was no way that they would not go looking for me because the alcohol on my breath was a dead giveaway. Mr. Hyde showed the light. Showed the same devil light how I saw before again and again it was the persuasive light of sin and evil.

Very next morning my best friend seeing my very normal flat with its very normal walls and very normal cat and very normal me hanging from the very normal ceiling fan.

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