úterý 21. října 2014


This is a little bit off topic but I wrote an essay and I won 2nd place in competition within the USA and EU conference (which was in Czech 1 day ago). So I want to share this essay with you, because I'm proud of this success. 

What Can We Learn From Other Educational Systems? Are We a Good Example?

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela

Every single day we are taught by life and the mistakes we make. The main institution which is part of our lives for 13-19 years and which gives us the knowledge important for future success is a school. If we want to create more opportunities, we must work harder and study smarter than anyone else. This thought helped me make a decision to get out from my comfort zone and experience education in America. This opportunity gives me a chance to compare school systems. The Czech system is sophisticated and our schools are exemplary! American schools offer a wide range of educational opportunities where all students are required to participate. Comparing the two systems allows me to evaluate the positive aspects of two very different approaches to education.

The Czech education system is such a good example for other countries. The key to success is a strong foundation of fundamental knowledge. Generally, I find Czech school harder than US school. We are required to learn a lot of subjects and certainly we don’t like all of them. Someone interested in social studies must also study science which isn’t as interesting. But this situation has a bright side which is often overlooked by students. We learn how to learn. The Czech curriculum exposes students to a wide range of subjects. We understand how to intelligently talk to people with totally different hobbies, jobs, interests, and backgrounds.

The second reason why the Czech education system is respected is that the classroom environment creates good psychological effects on students. We enjoy our class time together. We create strong friendships and contacts with classmates and these relationships will remain for the rest of our lives. The smaller student to teacher ratio allows us to get special attention and to feel more like a family. When we pass graduation exams we are filled with unforgettable memories of our alma mater, the bonds we form with teachers, and our friends from class.

US schools offer a different approach to education. US students have more opportunities to choose classes to shape their career path. For students in grammar schools in Czech there are not enough opportunities to focus on subjects they like. We should be proud of the emphasis on general knowledge in Czech, but could benefit from the US school system which allows more specialization of class choices. For example, in 12th grade I get to choose 2 seminars in areas I want to pursue in college but I am required to take 12 other general classes which fragment my focus. Revising the basic requirements to give more time for upper level seminar work would help students.

The Czech system could also improve by encouraging better cooperation between specialized schools. In the US there are all kinds of specializations in one building. For example, student athletes get medical support and treatment from student sports trainers. This system is an advantage for all participants. Czech schools could integrate skills and talents to create a symbiotic relationship.

The last improvement could be in providing better school facilities and supplies. Czech schools look really poor against schools in the Western part of the world. Schools deserve more money from the government. It is inessential rebuild facilities like gyms, pools, and sports fields. If the government invested more money to make education more interactive, students would be more engaged with current technology. Smartboards, updated equipment for science labs, and tech savvy teachers would make school more engaging and Czech students would also be more internationally competitive. The bill for improving
schools would be expensive but investment in education is never a waste of money.

I have been a grammar school student in Brno and I am currently enrolled in a US high school. My opinions are influenced by this situation. I believe the fundamental ideas of the Czech school system are better than in the US, but there are also things which could be and should be added to make it even better. Asking for input and ideas for improvement is a great way to start effective discussion. Until we are willing to make improvement we will not be able to say that our education is the best on the world. „The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.“ – Carl Rogers

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