úterý 2. prosince 2014

The Addams family show

I’m really excited to share with you this amazing experience. I’m going to write about a school theater show – The Addams Family Musical. Where Mark (my host-brother), played Uncle Fester (one of the big roles). But I’ll start from scratch.

My first High school show was the musical GREASE in other school (Cy-Falls). So I kind of had an opinion about high school theater (and it wasn’t the nicest one). The Cy-Falls production was very slow and the story was fragmented.  It seemed to be a series of songs (which should have been upbeat and fun) but were boring and the people on stage did not seem to have any fun.

On the other hand, I know how much time Mark spent practicing for the Cy-Ranch show. When I’m writing “a lot” I mean  A LOT of time. So I was hoping that this show would be much better.   I was pretty excited about seeing Mark and THE ADDAMS FAMILY.

Finally D-Day came on Saturday night. To add to the excitement, the audience included Tommy Tune Awards judges (competition for high school theatres – something like the Emmy Awards). So I found my seat in our auditorium and waited. (By the way the fact that every school has own auditorium is crazy).  The house was sold out. The show started and I was amazed from the moment the curtain opened until it ended. The performances of characters in the main roles and extras were more than awesome. It was more like professional acting than a high school production. Also the set, costumes, sound, and lights were really incredible. (You may notice that I used a lot of superlatives in last paragraph but to be honest it is still not enough!)  I hope they win every single award.

I was so proud of Mark that I almost cried. :D You know I heard him a lot singing in the shower and basically everywhere. I was happy for them.  They did so great job. Several friends from the cast told me it was their best performance.  I hope the judges were as impressed as I was with the entire performance.

(I uploaded also some photos with our stars. I have two shirts on photos because I saw that twice. :D And I do not have a focused photo with mark only :( )

It’s a pity if you didn’t see it. If you are interested in seeing production pictures, here is a link for official photos. http://ranchtheatre.smugmug.com/Productions/Addams-Family-the-Musical/ )

The Star!!

See he is nice to his fans!! 

"almost" focused

Uncle Fester and Morticia!

Rebecca as a Wednesday was awesome! I love her voice!

'Cause we're Addams!

Muhehe! I have the photo with them and now I have to wait till they will be on Brodway! 

Haunted Houses + Halloween

I’m going to start with haunted houses because it was the beginning of Halloween time for me. I was there the week before Halloween. My friend Martin (who was also in the US) told me that I have to experience a haunted house. Thus when Marianne (Brazilian exchange student) asked who wanted to go to the PHOBIA haunted houses, I was immediately in! Six of us went, but two friends got scared and left before we got in. Phobia has three haunted houses with scary names and we visited all of them. It wasn’t the cheapest way to spend an hour but I didn’t care.  I had an awesome time and the people did really great job. The haunted houses look like ones from a horror movie. As you walk through, people try to scare you. The great thing is that they have great make-up and costumes. You walk throughout rooms like an old creepy motel and a psychiatric hospital and everything together looks so real! You have the creepy feeling that you are in a horror movie but you know you are safe. I really enjoyed this event and I’m highly recommending this to future exchange students!

This was my amazing start to Halloween in the US. We don’t celebrate Halloween in Czech thus everything was new and exciting for me. My overall feeling is that it is pretty big holiday. The week before Halloween prepares you for this event. It is fun. Everyone has a costume. I went to two parties. At one party I was a Johnny Depp type pirate (but unfortunately it looked little bit like a gay pirate :D) and the other I was a character from GREASE.   I had a wonderful time with many of my friends (I have to mention Juliana because she is the biggest fan of my blog. This is for you!).  Kids, teenagers, and adults collect candy when they go from house to house trick-or-treating.  I ate sampled a lot of new kinds of candy!

Beginning of Haloween (2 weeks ago :D)

PHOBIA hounted houses!! 

The 4 brave

I was enjoying that I was scared

CCI halloween party

So awesome :D

Other Halloween party. try to be someone from the Grease
But I didn't catch the group photo. :( :D

After you try this you try the American culture! #S'more 

Renaissance Festival

I know I’m writing after a long time. I was so busy with school but now I have Thanksgiving break so I can look back and summarize what I did in the last month and half. The first article will not be long because the Renaissance festival was long time ago so I’m going to tell you about major things. I heard about this event before in The Big Bang Theory thus I was excited. We were there on Mark’s birthday weekend, I think it was Sunday. The area of the festival is an hour way from our house “in the middle of nowhere”. At the beginning it surprised me how many cars (people) came. We walked to the festival area which is only for this Renaissance Festival so basically it is used only 2-3 month in the year and each year the place becomes bigger and bigger. There were a lot of people wearing thematic clothes and that was awesome. This area is big and there were shops with renaissance stuff and places for performances from that time period. Unfortunately, it rained…. a lot. The entire crowd was under the roofs in shops and almost no one was outside. That was a pity. But before and after the rain I saw what this event means at it is really nice!

Me and Mark

What a beautiful game! :D Literally head basketball :D

We had some arguement so we punched couple times each other and we were good again :D

He makes the world!

Yeah, rainy weather was annoying